Socks, actual, honest-to-god, finished (except, in the interest of total honesty, the bind off on one sock) knee high socks for Jen. The pattern is Loopy Laces, designed by Wendy Johnson of Wendy Knits fame, and I got it at the Loopy Ewe. That is also where I got the super cute sock blockers. Isn't the cutout of Loopy cute?

I know what you are thinking ... those socks look really cute on sock blockers but ... do they actually fit anybody? Yes, they do! Here they are, modeled by moi(aren't those pulled up jeans the classiest? LOL).

If the bindoff goes over my big calves, hopefully Jen will have no problem with them. I progressively changed needle sizes to enlarge the calf since I didn't want to mess up the pattern and you can see where I switched to the size 4 needles. The yarnovers really show up there, don't they? Oops, so do the needles on the right hand sock (my right, not yours). Anyway, the pattern was great fun even though it doesn't really show up with this lovely variegated yarn. The main point of it was to keep me from going nuts just knitting round and round and round .... well you get the point. I don't know the name of the actual yarn since I got it in my Coffee Swap package from Gil, my swap partner in England. She got it at a fibre show from an indie dyer. The only things I know for sure are that it is 100% merino and also definitely not superwash! Good thing Jen takes better care of her laundry than I do.
Believe it or not, I have actually been knitting on other projects as well. Here is Brad (Kaylee's son) modeling the finished Fair Isle hat.

As you can see, it stretched out some during blocking. I sent it off to Jen for design approval but it is definitely tooooo big. Everyone at Penwick Stables loved the design so she is sending it back and I will be knitting a smaller version in a variety of color combinations involving black, red and white which are the stable colors. It's a fun knit and will be a handy in-between kind of project.
I finished block #2 of the Great American Afghan but I don't seem to have a picture of it yet. Still haven't finished the duplicate stitch and the socks for block #1 and now it is almost time to start #3. Yikes! Will I ever catch up? Also need to get to work on the Marvelous Mitts as well as figuring out what to do with all that sock yarn I bought at Stitches. Oh well, for now I think it is time for bed. I have been out and about all day and I am still sleep deprived from the last couple of days. Talk to you again soon. Hopefully, it won't take 3 weeks the next time.