Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sick computer = no fun!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately but my computer is suffering from a nasty virus so I have to borrow the computer at the yarn shop (Thanks, Kaylee!)I have so much email I need to look at, don't know when I will catch up. Anyway, week 7 of Secret of the Stole is underway and I am still up to date. Can you believe that? I can't! Here is a picture of the completed week 6 clue.
100_0473 The stole is getting very long. I am beginning to wonder just where the heck I am going to block it.
As I have mentioned (more than once, I am sure) we are having a contest at Hooks and Needles to help keep us on track with the Secret of the Stole. You don't have to finish the stole in order to win but the more rows you have knitted, the more tickets you have in the drawing. Being slightly competitive, I am trying hard to stay ahead of the game. We only have 4 of us currently in the drawing so the odds are pretty good. As you can see from the chart, I am just barely ahead of Robin in the knitting (non)race.
Last of all, for now, here is a picture of Kaylee, Robin and myself, all working on the SotS last night just before we walked next door to have dinner.
Robin was knitting while talking on the phone. Hope she didn't find any errors like I did this morning when I started back on the next row! Went forward 1 row and back 2 1/2! That's what I get for hurrying.

There is more big news coming that has nothing to do with knitting and I will try to post it soon but for now ... it's time to get back to working on SotS. Have fun everyone.


Anonymous said...

How totally cool to see you guys working on the stole together! Your stole looks wonderful. Only one hint to go. I think I am going to be sad...

Happy Knitting and Fair Winds

Lori said...

Hey Deb! Beautiful, beautiful work on your stole. I noticed in another pic that you have a "lifeline" yarn-- wonderful things, those. Whoever thought up the concept is a genius! I'll be watching for the rest of your stole. Hopefully, you'll find a reallllly long hallway or someplace to block it? I've seen people block sections at a time, too.

Kristy said...

Oh wow! The stole is beautiful. I need to see that baby in person. Beautiful work. After Thanksgiving, I guess.

Thanks for stopping by my blog...and for buying a raffle ticket for Oliver. I need to know - stitch markers or earrings?

I hope your computer is on the mend soon.