Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's lace knitalong time again!

Well, the knitting frenzy has started again. The Spring Shawl Surprice (sic) knitalong started on the first and Secret of the Stole II starts on January 18th. I have included a button on the sidebar for SotS-ii. There is still time to sign up for that. DK runs a great KAL and there are always lots of cool prizes, both for completion and for just plain being in the group. This stole calls for earthy colors. Do you think that Zephyr Marine Blue qualifies? Water is of the earth, right?

I don't have a button yet for the Spring Shawl Surprice but I will try to find one soon. Signups for this KAL close next Monday I think. I think Lul, the designer, said signups would close before the second clue. I have some cashmere ordered from Colourmart for that one. Methinks both of these stoles are going to be mine, all mine!!! I started Jeanie yesterday for a birthday gift. I am going to have to get it in gear for that one. So far, each row is taking me about 25 minutes! Knitting and purling through the back loop is rather time consuming for me, especially with lace weight yarn. Still, it will be gorgeous when it is done.

1 comment:

Nautical Knitter said...

Whoopie, glad you are in the Secret of the Stole II group! We are going to have a blast!!