Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sooooo tired of being sick!

Anybody else out there got the crud that never ends? I am sure there are plenty, I hear it is going round. I have basically been sick since about 3 days before Christmas. I spent 6 days at home starting Christmas Day hoping to kick it quick but it didn't work. Saturday I left work after an hour and a half. As I have mentioned before, I have a very physical job. When you are breaking out in a huge sweat just from inserting labels in trays, you shouldn't be there. The only reason I went in at all was because we had had 3 sick calls the day before and I didn't want to leave them even more short-handed. Two of those folks came back on Saturday so I bailed after doing the initial sweep.

Not only does the crud make it hard to work, I can't seem to knit! (much worse in my opinion) Clue 3 of the Spring Shawl Surprice comes out tomorrow and I haven't even started Clue 1 yet! Not to mention the fact that Secret of the Stole II starts on Friday and I have socks on the needles as well as a stole that is supposed to be a birthday present for the end of February. I don't think it is going to happen.

I did manage to attend a get-together today of a bunch of us who used to work at the Modesto REC. We had to keep adding chairs to the table since the initial estimate was for 10 people and I think we ended up with over 20. It was nice to visit with folks I hadn't seen in the last several months. Everybody seems to be adapting, though only one of the folks who has to commute to San Jose was able to make it which gives an idea of how exhausting the communte is. Later on, I met my LYS friends to go see "The Bucket List". Isn't it amazing how the movies that get the worst reviews are the ones you like the best? It was a great movie but I hadn't planned on the whole group of us being in tears at the end. Go check it out, after all any movie with both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman can't be all bad.

Haven't decided yet whether I am going to return to work today. I guess it will depend on whether I manage to get any sleep tonight. I am definitely making a doctor's appointment today though I don't know whether there is anything they can do for me. I have a feeling that plenty of rest is probably what they will say. Do you think they can write a prescription for that so I can stay home from work? It sure would be nice.

Ohh, one last thing. I did at least manage to get a couple of swatches knit in the cashmere but I still haven't washed one yet. I am dying to see how it changes once the oil is washed out. Will post pictures once I get it done.

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