Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More Homework for Cocoa Swap Blog

Who knew that being in the Cocoa Swap was going to provide so much blog fodder. I don't even have to think up a topic so I can post LOL Here is the current question:

Now that we're in the thick of 'Winter'... has your knitting changed to match the season? Are you moving on from dishcloths, and tank tops to afghans, hats and mittens? Has your yarn changed from silk or cotton to wool, superwash or heavier cottons?

Hmm, that is a very good question. I have knitted a hat and a scarf in the past month, which is something I don't usually do. (actually the hat was crocheted but it looked knitted). However, this wasn't really because I am in the thick of winter but because my daughter is. I think the week that I sent her the care package, the temperature was about 9 degrees Fahrenheit in New Jersey. That is the one advantage to having her move to cold climates. At least I know that the lovely knitted creations I am making for her will get used. Not much use for thick warm hats, scarves etc here in California since we are both rather warm-blooded. We both hate the heat which is rather ironic since we live (or lived for her) in the central valley which can be exceedingly warm. I am working on some wool socks for her using the gorgeous hand dyed merino I received from my swap partner in the Coffee Swap and next week I am taking a class on wristwarmers that have a gorgeous Celtic knot on the back of the wrist. So, yes, I guess you could say I am sort of in winter mode.

However, my other projects are all lace as they have been since I got hooked on mystery stole knitalongs this past summer with Mystery Stole 3. My first two lace stoles were gifts to others. The next two are intended to be for me. I started the Spring Shawl Surprice just yesterday and clue 3 came out yesterday as well. Secret of the Stole II starts soon, sometime this week, can't remember exactly when at the moment.

The Spring Shawl Surprice is being knitted in 100% cashmere from Colourmart in the color Glacier. I actually managed to knit up two swatches so I could see side by side the difference between the washed and unwashed cashmere. Let me tell you, it is unbelievable. I will hopefully have pictures by the end of the week so I can show you too.

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