Monday, September 24, 2007

Update on stuff in general

Hmm, seems like life has been very busy and yet I don't seem to be accomplishing much. I still have 10 rows to go on clue 6 (of 7) on MS3 and I have to get it done soon. Not only is the birthday it is intended to be a gift for coming up but Secret of Chrysopolis starts this Friday and Secret of the Stole starts next Friday. What was I thinking? I can't finish one stole during the summer with lots of time available and now I am signed up for two? Oh well, challenges make life interesting, don't you think?

One of the things that has been eating into knitting time is knitting related. Ravelry. If you already belong, you know what I mean. I think it was the Yarn Harlot who mentioned what a time-sucker that site could be. She was right! So many things to see and check out. I have posted a couple of projects and just a couple of yarns to my stash (stuff I already had pictures of since I haven't had time to take and download anymore). Two of my projects were adaptations of patterns from Exquisite Little Knits. When I couldn't find the projects already on Ravelry, I added them to the site. Wonder of wonders, I got an email asking if they could use my photos as featured photos of those patterns. How cool is that?

Work is going okay but just when I figure I am getting a particular job down pat, I manage to screw something up. No, it's not major or life-threatening but it is discouraging. Not only does it cause my partner to lose trust in my abilities, it causes me to doubt my abilities, bigtime! I am sure I beat myself up over these mistakes far more than I need to but it is frustrating. I am used to being able to do things and do them fairly well without having to doubt myself all the time. Oh well, I am sure things will get better with time.

On the Renaissance Faire front, Saturday was cancelled due to the major rainstorm that blew through. It rained so hard Friday night that water flowed into my daughter's tent and trashed her phone. What a bummer! I left mine for her as an alarm clock this morning and apparently she took it to work with her. Not good, since we don't have a landline. Good thing I didn't need to desperately reach someone today. But I digress. I drove down to the fair site on Saturday despite the cancellation. It was nice to have time to just visit with all the participants. Very relaxing. I learned a new game called Octiles. Kind of like adult Chutes and Ladders where you create your own chutes. At least that was how Moira described it. Sunday dawned bright and sunny and we had a huge crowd all happy to come out and play. I had to leave at two in order to get home and sleep before going to work but I still got a chance to take in a little bit of the joust before I left.

Today was spent catching up on sleep. Better get some laundry started and get back to MS3. Times a wasting!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Glad you got to experience a little of your Faire. They're so fun! And I love being in a tent when it rains, but not if water starts finding it's way in. Deb, you're so organized I'm sure your MS3 would knit itself if you arranged it just right! You'll get your things finished, like you always seem to do. Also, don't be discouraged about messing up at work-- you only just started learning it all!